
Swift playground

I like swift  playground because I am a person who takes up a challenge .Some of them are hard it gives me more confidence to push through to the end.This Level using loops wasn’t hard for me the only thing was to know to use the loop with your code so your buddy can finish.There wasn’t a challenge in this level but I learnt that even with four codes a loop can do a lot to succeed to the finish line.The more levels you complete the more challenges will come in along.Swift-playground has thought me that even though challenges come don’t give up to easily just push through it. 

A day in the life and home of a child in an informal settlement

    A day in the life and home of a child in an informal settlement  Hi my name is Vuyo I am ten years old and I live in an informal settlement.My dad left us when I was four which left my mom with nothing.I have two brothers and sisters my mom doesn’t have a lot of money so she can’t afford shoes for us.I struggle to read because we don’t have library’s at school so I can’t learn.I don’t have a lot of stationary to work at school with and sometimes I don’t even have lunch to school, which distracts me very much in class.My brothers and sisters all have a flu I am very scared and sad because my sister Babalwa died yesterday from malaria. I  had to do my homework in a dark house  It is hard for me to do my homework, so I always have to go to a street lamp I wish we had electricity . My life would be easier if my mom code get a job so she can provide food for us to eat.It is not nice when I see other children eating food and I don’t have any food.I had to walk to school without

The singing inspector

Hi my name is Gladys and yesterday will everyone was in the classroom a man with knickerbockers and stockings on his legs came inside.His name is Mr Raymond I got really frightened because of the sound of his heavy deep voice. He is a singing inspector he told us all sing the doh ray me song.Then he started to call people up to sing he called Benny and Charles first it sounded so terrible but Mr R called them idiots. He called irs Armstrong and I third to sing we were so nervous.Not a single word  came out irs mouth.He called them the deaf and the dum I was furious in the inside I wanted to pound him to the ground or send him and his meanness to a gail sel. Mr R is one of most hatefulest person I’ve ever met he has no feelings for others.Then he called Winnie and I up and he said we must help the paralysed mute. I wished he would get fired and never come again.

Grade 4 camp

On Monday in Feb the Quails and Guinea  fowls went on camp to Simonsberg.  First we went to Giraffe house.I loved  the reptiyel show it was so amazing.We all got to feed the animals then we had to leave. We were in the bus for 20 min and then we arrived at the camp sight. It was so beautiful then we met a man his name was elan.  We did activities with x-man,lumka,quines and elan. We did zip-lining,blindfold,swing rope over mud the carpet one shapes and we swam.My team strugeld a lot on the rope one but we did it and we had a lot of fun.I enjoyed the zip-line. We had a night hike it was so cool and we  could see stares and alen told us a good story it was so amazing and we had fun on the hike.